Monday, March 23, 2009

HOV lane

SO Friday morning I needed to get downtown. Now not a problem but it was early and I needed to be at my location by 8.30am. SO the night before amidst discussions with my Personal Reed I mentioned I would be traveling up to Salt Lake in the morning. A smile came across the face of Personal Reed like a light bulb turning on in the lonely blackness of a GITMO interrogation room when Personal Reed announced he too needed to be in downtown Salt Lake City by 8.00am.

I made the decision and we would leave early and yes Personal Reed would get a ride with me. Well you might say, "How does this benefit the average person"? "How does this benefit you?"

That's the right question and to you my friend the answer is "HOV lane."

SO by 7.59am I curiously dropped off Personal Reed in front of the Masonic Dedication plaque on the East side of the Salt Palace in down town Salt Lake City just in time for worky worky.

Yes another benefit of a Personal Reed.

That's all.

M. Well

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