Monday, March 23, 2009

Snow Removal

So today it snowed in Salt Lake City. Saturday the temperature was 75ºF and this morning it freakin snows. Oh well. Personal Reed had made his way via UTA this morning and I went to work about 9.00am.

Lunch time came and I went home and catered to my curious diet and thought about the driveway and the walk. Well I thought about it and that's about it and then went back to work.

Upon arriving home this evening what surprise did my eyes perceive? The driveway, sidewalk and walkway to the house were all shoveled clean and tidy.

So what may you ask is a benefit of a Personal Reed? Well I didn't have to shovel and I dinna wanna do it today so, "Wow".

Snow Removal.

The marvels and the wonders of a Personal Reed.

I'm amazed.

That's all.

M. Well